Alleged child-killer and rapist arrested

The suspect in the killing of a four-year-old boy at Linden has been arrested the police have confirmed.
The man Wednesday afternoon reportedly stabbed his four-year old ex stepson to death at Blueberry Hill after the boy saw him allegedly raping his aunt, police said earlier.

In happier times... This photograph shows the 4-year-old boy who was stabbed to death at Linden on Wednesday flanked by his mother and his stepfather Rawle Samuels.
In happier times… This photograph shows the 4-year-old boy who was stabbed to death at Linden on Wednesday flanked by his mother and his stepfather Rawle Samuels.

The boy has been identified as Jamal Nedd of Buck Hill, Wismar. Police sources gave the name of the assailant as 24-year old Rawle Samuels. He had escaped before police arrived on the scene. Police at the McKenzie Police Station confirmed that the man was in custody Wednesday night but the details of his arrest remain unknown.
Police Chief of Criminal Investigations, Deputy Commissioner Seelall Persaud said investigators have so far learnt that the suspected killer went next door and allegedly raped Jamal’s 17-year old aunt. Police have taken the teenage girl to the hospital for a medical examination as part of their investigation.
Reports say the boy entered the living room and witnessed the act. The girl reportedly fled and refused to return when the man called her back several times.
According to reports, the man then caught Jamal and stabbed him several times with a knife. The child died at the Linden Hospital. Police spokesman, Ivelaw Whittaker Wednesday evening added that “the suspect held the four-year-old at knife point and threatened to kill him if the aunt did not return into the house. She refused to do so, whereupon the suspect stabbed Jamal Nedd several times about the body and escaped.”

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